23.07.2024 - Announcement: 2nd edition of the CAS program in Medication Safety at the University of Bern

It is with great pleasure that we announce the start of the second cohort of our interprofessional educational program on medication safety in autumn 2025. 

Building on the positive feedback from participants of the first edition (currently running and completing in June 2025), the next round promises to deliver valuable insights and practical strategies for enhancing safe medication (use) processes in healthcare institutions.


Medication-related problems are a leading cause of avoidable harm to patients and therefore recognized as a prioritized area for intervention by global health authorities. The program of the first CAS in Medication Safety, hosted by the University of Bern, provides participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and network to become experts in the field and enables them to proactively initiate and lead projects to optimize medication safety within their institution. Addressing the need of interprofessional collaboration, this unique program has been developed by internationally renowned experts and is directed towards healthcare professionals who currently hold leading positions associated with medication safety or those, who would like to take on such responsibilities in future professional positions.


Course structure and content
In 7 modules (15 course days), our upcoming edition will deliver key basic aspects of medication safety at first and then delve into advanced topics and case studies around medication (use) processes, risk management, leadership, interprofessional collaboration as well as education and technologies. With the support of more than 40 renowned experts from Switzerland, Ireland, Finland, Germany and the USA, the program explores common practical challenges and offers solutions tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals.


Join the medication safety expert community
We will kick off the new program in Q4 2025, with an onboarding event (via Zoom) on Thursday 16 Oct 2025, course day 1 in Bern on Friday 7 Nov 2025, course day 2 (via Zoom) on Friday 21 Nov 2025 and course day 3 in Bern on Thursday 9 Dec 2025.


Are you curious to learn more? Then leave your email at casmedicationsafety@insel.ch, so that we can send you the detailed study program and further information or visit



If you would like to advance your ongoing professional development, we invite you to join us for this important journey towards safer medication use. 

Stefanie Janssen, PhD                        Carla Meyer-Massetti, PhD
Director of Studies                               Program lead
